
Lock us out-that's the lastest idea. Will it work? The popularity of lockout has increased in Australia just as the USA ,sick of huge destructive burnouts in Wild West Parks have legislated to allow more management and use of their old lockout areas. They say, if we want to protect biodiversity across the board, we have to be to be more actively involved. The big biodiversity issues in SW Victoria are still outside the public land, so is the boundary still too small- the vision too limited? . S

Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Discussion paper - what discussion?
There are great long lists of things to be preserved, but no discussion of how and where that can happen and where the boundaries are likely to best be.

Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Every indication the government is as behind and reactive as ever over the complex matters of integrating fire and biosystem management.

In the Otways the government are in the very process of removing the very experience Esplin is calling for in the east
.... "have full access to those appropriately experienced and qualified community members who can ( or used to able to ) provide local knowledge and
expertise in the development of fire suppression
strategies and that advice from the fire ground is
incorporated into decision making". See sam evans comments on a critical shortage of such experience even now in Colac Herald 6th Oct)

Sunday, October 12, 2003

VEAC is conducting information sessions into the proposed single Angahook –Otway National Park from this week.
All of these sessions are being held on week days, except Anglesea on Sunday the 19th.making it very difficult for the majority of people to attend any of the 4hour discussions.
Formal submissions are required by 5th.Dec.and as I have just purchased the 202 page Discussion Paper it leaves only 54 days to digest and formulate a reply.
Chances are most people have not obtained a copy which costs $10, and many would not even have seen the Discussion Paper Summary, which is so brief that it is almost useless due to the many complex issues involved.
To enable public discussion a meeting has been arranged at COPAC Colac to commence at 7.00 Pm on Monday 20th.October, an open invitation is extended to all interested individuals and groups to attend.
A Victoria wide group B.U.G (Bush Users Group) representing individuals and groups who use the forest or the bush in any way, commercially or for recreation, have combined with Otway Four Drive Club, the Victorian Association of Four Wheel Clubs, with involvement from Our Parks,Timber Communities and others have arranged the meeting .
As this Investigation will affect every one of us, and is extremely complex and complicated, consideration should be given regarding the establishment of a local committee while there is still time,but not much!.
from -Jim Speirs Forrest Contact jim 52 36 6363

Tuesday, October 07, 2003

They came first for a small group in the central highlands , but I didn't speak up because it wasn't my backyard;then they came to stop some blokes trying to keep doing their contracted jobs at Deans Marsh, but I didn't speak up for them because someone got very angry and may have done the wrong thing; Then they came to let all the resources rot in fire ravaged eastern victoria, but I wasn't a patron of big business wrecking the bush, so I didn't speak up for industry; then they came to tell some farmer he can't cut branches off his fenceline but I thought he might be a greedy uncaring production focused person , so I didn't speak up for farmers either. Now they have come for me and my dog and there seems to be noone standing up for me and my rights to decide anything about my behavour when on my own land. see nannyism /nimbyism and the left on http://users.gsat.net.au/tuf

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