
Lock us out-that's the lastest idea. Will it work? The popularity of lockout has increased in Australia just as the USA ,sick of huge destructive burnouts in Wild West Parks have legislated to allow more management and use of their old lockout areas. They say, if we want to protect biodiversity across the board, we have to be to be more actively involved. The big biodiversity issues in SW Victoria are still outside the public land, so is the boundary still too small- the vision too limited? . S

Thursday, June 16, 2005

I was surprised that our Premier let the activists do all the talking in the newsreports .Doesn't he know what he is doing ?
Political decisions denigrate rural communities.

Creation of the enlarged Otways National Park and ‘Forest park’ in the form proposed by the Bracks government epitomises two Australian colloquialisms. They are: “Bulldust beats brains”, and “Using brute strength and stupidity”.

The bulldust is coming from the rhetoric of the green movement via the compliant Victorian Environmental Assessment Council (VEAC). (Governments never hold an enquiry or investigation unless they can control the result). The brains (proven scientific information) that expose the bulldust are ignored.

The brute strength and stupidity is coming from our state government who are making their decision on purely political grounds while dressing them up as “responsible environmentally based land use decisions”. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Take a couple of examples of the VEAC logic being used.

• Claim: The undisturbed parks will protect the rare and threatened plants and animals in the Otways. This is a strange recommendation, considering most of the rare and threatened species listed in the VEAC report, rely on periodic disturbance of vegetation to survive. It is a stupid idea based on green rhetoric instead of reality.
• Claim: Making the Jancourt Forest a Nature Conservation Reserve will provide the area with better environmental protection. It is a so much better example of the original vegetation than the adjoining Carpendeit Flora and Fauna Reserve.
This again is a strange recommendation, because the Jancourt Forest is one of the most intensively managed forests in the state (while supplying sawlogs, firewood, and lateritic gravel) for over a century. The Carpendeit Flora and Fauna Reserve has received typical ‘Park’ management (leave it alone and it will manage itself) over the same period. This self-management has obviously not worked. How could VEAC rationalise this decision?

I could go on ad infinitum, but what is the use, when the urban centric blow in greens and governments think they know everything about the country, and could not give a continental for the genuine rural community

From A local flora expert whose had enough experience to KNOW what he is talking about .

Friday, June 10, 2005

Hardly anyone came to look , to explore; so we know this decision is not really about sustainability . What is it about? . Now its your turn - we have done our bit.
Try and save whats still left of public resources so your grandchildren can again prove that timber harvesting, honey production ,grazing and cropping USE doesn't have to be labelled 'unsustainable' by the nimbys.

Flannery knows that putting a lock on the door is not the only way to maintain biodiversity ----and in time all will see this simpleton's decision for the shallow and quick fix that it is .

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